No work is as important as taking good care of the children, that’s quite true, as parents
have given you this responsibility. This makes it all the important that your business and
employees are covered with the best insurance policies. We the Houston National
insurance providers are a name you can reckon for comprehensive insurance coverage for
your day care center.
Houston’s insurance programs include complete coverage that are designed for exposure
and are unique for your business. The program also provides optional enhancement for
General Liability, Auto, and Crime Coverage as well as Inland Marine. That means your
whole business operations will be covered in a single policy.
In the policy is also covered different kind of power surges, any kinds of mechanical
breakdowns, motor burnouts, electrical arcing and many more things. When you buy a
policy you are sure to get excellent claims and also special risk management services.
We make sure that all the important areas that are part of the day care owners are covered
while buying insurance, these areas are:
• Accidental injuries if any to the parents, visitors and children
• Automobile accidents while sending children and staff
• Any damage or destruction that may cause to the property
• Injuries caused by the teachers and staff.
All these risk areas need different coverage on your different insurance policy as with
other policies, each loss which is claimed has a deductible amount which is important for
you to pay, and in each policy there is a set of limits that refers to the maximum amount
that insurance companies need to pay. We the Houston National Insurance Company
makes sure that you get your share of coverage. The coverage will also protect you from
the lawsuits that happen while performing your activities. A lawsuit is generally filed by
the parents who are not satisfied with your services and your way of operations.
You can also get a coverage which is known as Sexual Abuse & Misconduct Liability
which provides protection to your daycare from all kinds of lawsuits that can go against
you or your employees. The cases can be molestation, sexual abuse, or any other kind of
sexual misconduct. This coverage will also provide you legal defense and funds for any
kinds of lawsuit settlements.
There are other kinds of coverage available like hired or non-hired automobile Liability,
Accidental and Medical and Workers compensation etc. We the Houston day care
insurance providers ensure that you are provided with the best insurance package that
would serve your need. Our agent will provide you guidance on the kind of coverages
that are best suitable for you and any kind of limits and deductibles that are required for
your business.