Gas stations offer great convenience for everyone on a daily basis. Not only do they provide a much needed essential (gas), few offer other options such as food, beverages, restrooms, and more. Owning a gas station may be a lucrative business venture, but there are risks that could threaten the establishment if you don’t have proper protection. Gas station insurance in Texas is affordable and offers important liability coverage needed to protect from incidents such as drive-offs, fires, and slip-and-fall accidents just to name a few. Here is what you should know about gas station insurance.
Why Gas Stations Get Insured?
Aside from law regulations, there are many other important reasons to get insurance coverage for a gas station. There is injury risk when people, including customers and employees, are handling gasoline. If the gas gets spilled there is potential damage to the property or cause equipment to malfunction. It may even cause damage to the property of the customer.
Toxic spills or leaks could occur from faulty pumps. The risk increases if the gas station also offers a convenience store; meaning, people will walk in and out all day. Floors can get wet from the weather, a spill in the store, or after an employee finishes mopping. If someone slips and falls, you could be looking at medical claims costing thousands.
Food at Gas Stations May Pose Risk
Nowadays, gas stations offer different kinds of foods such as packaged snacks, hot foods like pizza and coffee, and cold foods like deli sandwiches. It is important to gas stations work with reputable companies offering such products to customers. Yet, an employee could get careless and leave a cold deli item out on the counter for an extended time before it gets sold. A customer could get sick from eating the product that wasn’t handled properly. The same problem could occur with food that sat on the shelf for too long. A lawsuit could be around the corner. Gas station insurance in Texas is easy to obtain and can help settle such disputes.
Liability Insurance is Your Best Bet
Gas stations should look into building a solid insurance policy for their business. The reputation of the business along with its assets is on the line. Business owners can save time and money by having insurance coverage if an accident or injury occurs. Even if something happens that is not your fault you could save a trip to court. Liability coverage can take care of damages occurring on the property or to the property of a customer if it occurred due to a service you provide. Understanding the kind of coverage that is available is easy when working with an authorized insurance agent.
Think about it this way: if your gas station sells an item or offers a service it should be covered by insurance. This includes alcohol beverages, lottery tickets, food, gas, and so on. When getting quotes for gas station insurance in Houston, keep in mind, different services and products provided at your gas station. Getting quotes help you shop around for the best rate you can pay comfortably each month. If you had insurance for a while it could be worth the time to compare options and get a better rate.
Laws Play a Role in Insurance Rates
How much you pay depends on your gas station and what services and products you offer. This isn’t the only factor that affects insurance rates. State rules and regulations along with environmental concerns influence insurance costs. Spills and leaks that occur should be covered and you may be required to obtain some type of coverage depending on your situation and location. Separate insurance may be necessary for certain aspects of your gas station. If a spill or leakage occurs and it affects the environment and causes an uproar with the public, having protection before this occurs can make dealing with the situation a little easier.
Operating permits may require insurance. Meaning, you need to do your homework on the type of insurance required to open the gas station. How gas is stored and sold will also determine the right coverage. If you have a car wash on site you may need separate coverage for it in case damage occurs to a customer vehicle or the structure itself suffers a loss. After getting quotes, learn what kind of policy you can get that will help you create a package with the protection you need.
Additional Tips to Consider When Getting Insurance
Getting gas station insurance in Texas should include low payments, competitive rates, convenient payment options and flexible billing. There are coverage options for business owners offering protection for different assets with coverage protecting from financial hardship. Insurance can cover replacement or repair costs of machines that provide services to customers such as coffee or cold foods.
If a fire or natural disaster occurs damage to the structure of the building is protected under insurance. Interior furnishing and even a busted water pipe may be included in the protection. If a gas pump is damaged unexpectedly or something causes the gas station to be closed for repairs, insurance can cover related expenses and income loss. Litigation can be resolved from foods or products that cause harm to customers.
Electronic actions related to gas station operations may be covered by insurance. Actions from a dishonest employee that helped themselves to things such as gas or food without paying for it or they took money from the cash register are losses a good insurance policy will cover. Workers compensation insurance is another form of insurance to obtain. It protects against losses obtained by employees that get hurt on the job. Review your situation with an authorized insurance agent to get the coverage you need.