As an independent contractor, you must already have a business insurance, but you think feel you do not require insurance policies of meager in nature, while this ought to be true in certain situations, but somewhere down the line you need damage claims due to the job hazards.
One of the kinds most importantly required is pollution liability insurance. It provides complete coverage for any loss on account of damage caused by the disposal of the wastes. Pollution liability insurance is needed to prevent emissions from hazardous waste materials during the manufacturing process of oil, agribusiness, excavation business, waste depositories and asbestos etc. The liability policy would cover the injury claims, or damage to the property due to contamination from toxic waste materials.
Before the mid 1980’s, pollution liability was covered under the standardized commercial general liability. However, insurance companies now have excluded pollution liability under the general liability policy. This makes it pertinent to buy separate coverage for pollution liability in case you are an independent contractor.
In fact, you also might have to bear the cost of the environment clean up which can cost you million of dollars. The insurance business will provide complete protection to your financial needs during these cleanup processes. It will cover your costs and interest during lawsuits whereby a thirty party has been accidentally injured because of the toxic substances.
All the industries whose production involves the use of the hazardous waste materials like asbestos abatement or waste depository requires this insurance coverage. Even other industries can also have the insurance covered to cover their risks as you never know when you are exposed to any hidden hazardous waste. More so, environment laws keeps on changing and obviously you do not want to be caught without the use of the proper liability insurance.
Generally the insurance covers the policy claims from third parties to prevent from any injury to body or from any damage that might have caused to release waste materials during production process. The insurance gives you compete coverage while you are finishing your job but also during your operations, It simply means that if any problem has occurred because of the hazardous waste materials, after you have accomplished the job, you can protect yourself from any liability issue.
You can get pollution liability coverage from Houston National Insurance Of America companies preferably the companies who sell contractors insurance. The price of the different coverage varies depending on the coverage amount required, your deductibles and if you have purchased the coverage on stand-alone bases or in combination of these.
But before venturing into buying insurance coverage it is best to know about your requirements. If there is an accident during any of your operational activities, it could be very late to buy the policy.